Renee N.

Renee N.

Приймає нових учнів
Безплатне пробне заняття

Renee N.

Приймає нових учнів
Безплатне пробне заняття

Expertise, Study Materials & Practice

  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  600 Kč
Ціна Від 600 Kč


Hi there,

I'm Renee from Hong Kong. I am a mother, a Registered nurse trained in HK and a certified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist trained in the United Kingdom. I am also a lactation consultant in training.

From my background you can probably guess that my interests are around health and psychology! I have been tutoring young people for a couple of years. I can offer assistance around English (or Chinese) language, biology and psychology. You may find it a bit unusual to learn English from a Chinese! The reason I offered is because my Czech doctor and friends have commented that my accent is easy to hear when speaking English, which can be a great start for you. And it's fun to share my passion and languages with you:)

As a foreigner, I can share my tips of learning English with you (even though we have learned English as a second language since we were 6 years old in Hong Kong!). You can also ask me about the experience to get into the prestigious universities in the United Kingdom. I took a Master degree and a Postgraduate certificate in Psychology at the University of Bristol and the University of Southampton.

Regarding my teaching style, I take a flexible and collaborative approach working with people. We will have an initial conversation about your goals and preferred ways of learning. We start from there and see how it goes. We will work together based on my expertise, carefully chosen study materials and your knowledge and experience with the subject.

Here're some limitations to consider:
- I can only speak English (unless you are interested in learning Mandarin!)
- I have more availability than what I list here. I will update you of the timeslots one or two weeks in advance.

Типи уроку

Trial lesson

Безплатно / 30 хв.
Standard lesson

600 Kč / 55 хв.

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