Pavel Š.

Pavel Š.

Accepts new students

Pavel Š.

Accepts new students

Can a seasoned professional be useful to a beginner?

Price From 1200 Kč
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
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Whether you are five or fifty, learn the very basics first. Everything else will follow much more smoothly.

Would you like to see math as a consistent and useful area of human activity? You don't need to be a genius. Just learn a few tips and tricks to get a better understanding of mathematical topics.

Still in doubt? What if I tell you that mathematical formulas translate to simple tree structures that can be drawn on paper and manipulated visually? Most of mathematics can be made as easy as cooking.

Even computer science, programming, design and architecture can be done in a way that is not overwhelming and exhausting. Surely outstanding professionals need a vast of knowledge but even that can be developed in small steps.

Uhříněves, Kolovraty, Říčany, Světice, Strančice, Mnichovice, Mirošovice, Senohraby, Pyšely, Čerčany… S9 train line covered.

Lesson types

Standartní lekce

1200 Kč / 55 min

Answered questions (1)

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Pavel Š.

programovanie - C - Formální jazyky a prekladače

Ahoj, som študentka FIT VUT v Brne. Potrebovala by som poradiť s projektom do školy z predmetu Formálne jazyky a prekladače, konkrétne s parserom. Budem veľmi rada za akúkoľvek pomoc.