Sajid A. Verified identity

Sajid A.

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Verified identity
Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Sajid A.

Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Native speaker - Profesionální a Hovorová Angličtina A2-C1

  • 5/5 (rated by 6 students)
  • 11 lessons taught
  • Offers online lessons
  • From  390 Kč
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Price From 390 Kč
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Description Lesson types References Photos & Certificates


Who am I you may well ask
I really wish I knew
If I am not myself at all
Then maybe I am you!
by Fagie


I was born into a family that spoke a potpourri of languages and English was an integral element of the medley. However, being born into an English speaking family does not transform a person into a competent teacher--teaching entails empathy, patience and a flair for innovative teaching ideas.

I have been teaching English to Slovaks since January 2023 on a sister platform of Doucuji and today is 14th June 2024 and I have already completed more than 760 lessons - as a tutor-on Douchma Slovakia.

Now I would like to shift my focus to learners of English in Czechia, and so, you can book a lesson with me or write to me in reference to the following goals:

a) English for Jobs(Interviews and elevation)
b) English for Academic Success
c) Business English
d) English for Women on Maternity leave
e) English for Pensioners
f) English for IELTS
g) English for Parents
h) English for Teens and Pre-Teens

a) The Direct Method
b) TBL
c) The Communicative approach
d) And also a few indigenous teaching strategies

I have blurred the verification code in the British Council Certificate, it is only for my regular students!

My Strengths:
It is not wise to brag about one's strengths, I would prefer to demonstrate them during a lesson. However, my students have been my organic strength: Slovak and Non Slovak students.

Have a good one!

Lesson types

Trial lesson

Write to me before booking a lesson

Free / 30 min
English for All

Narration, Audio and Video, Grammar, Q and A

390 Kč / 60 min

References (2)

+ add reference
Ondrej V.

Ondrej V.

4 lessons taught

Sajid je super učiteľ / kamarát. Hodiny angličtiny sú zábavné a poučné. Dokážeme sa porozprávať na rôzne témy. Teším sa na ďalšiu spoločnú hodinu :) Ďakujem.

Tutor's answer:


Vierka Š.

Vierka Š.

2 lessons taught

Sajida ako doučovateľa angličtiny veľmi odporúčam. Som jeho študentkou takmer rok a lekcie s ním sú veľkým prínosom k mojej aktívnej, ale aj pasívnej angličtine. Sajid je ako učiteľ veľmi spoľahlivý a priateľský. Má široký rozhľad (svetové dianie, kultúra, literatúra), vďaka čomu sa môžeme baviť o širokom spektre tém a lekcie nie sú monotónne ani nudné. Pri konverzáciách mi necháva dostatočný priestor vyrozprávať sa. Vyzdvihujem aj jeho individuálny prístup (môžem si povedať, čo mi vyhovuje a čo naopak nie). Veľkým plus je jeho časová flexibilita.Na základe mojej veľmi pozitívnej skúsenosti Sajida ako doučovateľa angličtiny veľmi odporúčam :).

Tutor's answer:


pictures and certificates